Articles, Home Groups

How to talk to God when You are Empty | Psalm 16

Andres Rodriguez

October 17, 2021

Break the ice. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?

Read Psalm 16 aloud together.

A Miktam of David. “You Will Not Abandon My Soul”

Psalm 16 teaches us how to talk to God when we’re empty.

Discuss the passage.

- David begins the Psalm by calling out to God for refuge from his emptiness (v. 1-2). What distinction does David make between himself and God? Why is it good for us to follow David’s example in prayer?

- David honestly shares with God his emptiness and need. What are signs or symptoms in your life that show you’re in this state?

- In following David’s prayer we learn how to talk to God when we are empty by: 1) Honestly stating where you are to God, 2) Asking God to speak to you through His people and 3) Remembering and reciting to God His story and His character.

- Where do you turn where you are irritable, empty, or discontent? (v. 1-2)

- In your own words restate “pain matters but it is not your master” (v. 5-6)?

- How does the true reality of the already not yet fullness of joy that we have in Jesus Christ bring comfort to you today where you sit (v. 11) ?

Close in prayer. Invite everyone to pray aloud together through these three movements: 1) Honestly state where you are to God 2) Ask God to speak to you through one another in the Home Group 3) Remember and recite to God His story (that He has made known the path of life and in His presence there is fullness of joy and pleasures forever more).

Andres Rodriguez

Lead Groups Minister
My hope for Citizens Church is that we would be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what Jesus did in Collin County and beyond.
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