We invite you to become a member

The local church is the way that God has chosen to make disciples and spread the gospel. Membership at Citizens Church is an invitation to be a part of our local church. It’s about making a decision to give your time, talents and resources to a community of faith and joining us as we pursue our mission.

Citizens of heaven: Enjoy God. Love people. Make disciples.

Why become a member of Citizens Church or any church?

It’s true: You won’t find any reference to church membership in the Bible, but the concept is everywhere.

From what we can tell, in the New Testament, you didn’t sign a paper or go upfront after service to move your membership from one church to the next. But the concept of belonging to a group of believers, under the authority of church elders, is all over the Scriptures.

When we receive the gift of salvation, we are not only saved into a relationship with God, but we are saved into a community of believers, the Church. Belonging and becoming a member of a local church is the way we affirm and live out that reality. We commit our lives to Christ and to one another because we need one another. It’s with and through other Christians that we grow as disciples and make disciples.


Sign up on our website for an upcoming class and let us know more about you.


Get to know our staff and learn more about our beliefs, mission and ministries.


Prayerfully consider becoming a member and joining us in our mission to see lives changed by the gospel.


Join us at a Member Meeting as we welcome and pray for our new members.

We would love for you to become a member of Citizens Church

Our hope is that you would consider being a part of our church family and join us for an upcoming Membership Class.