Articles, Home Groups

How to Talk with God about Your Fear | Psalm 27

Jill Barlow

October 24, 2021

Break the ice. If given the opportunity, what reality show would you want to be on?

Read Psalm 27 aloud together.

A Psalm of David, apparently written in a time of danger but not connected with a specific event in his life.

David understood fear. He had evildoers coming at him to devour him (27:2). They were spouting malicious accusations against him (27:12). He faced opposition from Doeg the Edomite, who saw David at the tabernacle and later reported him to Saul (1 Samuel 21:1-10; 22:9). In 1 Samuel 22:3-4, David asked the king of Moab to protect his parents and allow them to stay with the king until David knew what God would do for him, which may have left David feeling unsettled or afraid.

Psalm 27 teaches us how to talk to God about our fears.

Discuss the passage.

- In Psalm 27 we see four kinds of fear: fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of the future and fear of death. Which of the four best describes your fear at the moment?

- What does David offer as the solution to fear? (verse 1)

- What does fear reveal about desires? (verse 4)

- What might it sound like to talk with God and turn “what if” fears into “even if” beliefs? (verse 10)

- What prevents David from losing heart? What is his certainty? (verse 13)

- How would you counsel a fearful person? How might this psalm encourage their faith in the Lord?

Close in prayer. Confess your fears to one another, and to God. Praise him that according to his steadfast love and abundant grace, He has made a way for us to dwell with him forever.

Jill Barlow

Groups Minister
My hope for Citizens Church would be a place where disciples of Jesus are made and shaped.
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