Articles, Home Groups

Belonging Week 2: Word of God

Andres Rodriguez

September 19, 2021

Read Matthew 6:10

Your kingdom come,
your will be done, 

on earth as it is in heaven. 

Discuss the passage

  • In Matthew 6 Jesus is teaching his disciples how to pray. How does this one sentence in the middle of his prayer confront the narratives of our world today? 
  • What are the narratives or scripts that we encounter in our day today? 
  • How have you noticed, observed, or experienced the blending of the American dream and the way of Jesus? How do you see them being incompatible? 

Discuss the second value of Citizens Church: Word of God 

  • Knowing the true story of who God is and who we are
    • The bible is the first and final authority in the life of Citizens of heaven. At Citizens Church, we want to submit our lives to God by looking to the Bible to hear who God is (his character and nature), who we are (our value and our need), and to learn the true story of the world in contrast to the false stories told around us. (Matthew 7:24-27, James 1:22).
  • When you consider your life, do you see it primarily shaped from and through the Scriptures? 
  • In what ways have you been influenced by the false narratives of this age?
  • The good news of the gospel is that Jesus rewrites our story. Where we were once dead in false narratives He has made us alive in the true story of God’s redemption (Ephesians 2:4-5). How does this value encourage your membership at Citizens? Does it excite you to become a member if you are not already?

Close in prayer

Father, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Reveal to us ways in which we have strayed from your love and truth. Forgive us, Father. Deliver us from evil and the paths of false narratives. That we may live a life pleasing to you in the true story of your redemption. We ask in Christ’s name and trust in the power of His Spirit. Amen. 

Andres Rodriguez

Lead Groups Minister
My hope for Citizens Church is that we would be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what Jesus did in Collin County and beyond.
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