
Ask, Seek, Knock

July 4, 2021

God wants to hear from his followers. As a good father gives gifts to his children, so does a good God want to care for those who proclaim his glory. Scripture: Matthew 7:7-12

Other Sermon Teachings


Identity, Belonging, and Purpose

Cory Butler
February 23, 2025
Finding our belonging and identity in Christ—our cornerstone—means that we have a godly purpose. And as we live as God’s people, in holy exile, we are called to lean into the church, God’s chosen people, as our family. Scripture: 1...

Love One Another

Jamin Roller
February 16, 2025
Loving others is a foundational part of following Christ. Jesus himself gave the command in his teachings. The source of our love comes from the abundant love that God has for us, a never-ending, unshakeable kind of love. Scripture: 1...

The Cross and the Crown

Mike Im
February 9, 2025
This passage shows us where our hope lies—in Christ’s death and resurrection. While we often want to skip suffering and hardship for the reward of life in Christ, we ultimately find the cross comes before the crown. Scripture 1 Peter...