Mens Bible Class

Week 8: The Unity of the Church (Ephesians 4)

October 31, 2023

After three chapters of deep theological content, Paul makes a hard shift in Ephesians 4 to practical exhortations. He calls believers to an appropriate way of living in response to the glorious truths about the gospel presented in chapters 1–3. A significant theme will be the walk of the Christian life, with a highlight on Christian unity and an appreciation of the diverse gifting within the church.

Other Mens Bible Class Teachings


They Did Not Drive Them Out (Judges 1-2-10)

February 10, 2025
Following the death of Joshua, the people of Israel are still in conflict with Israel. This passage outlines the attempts of the Israelites to conquer Canaan.

Forgetful people, Faithful God: A Study on Judges (MBC)

February 3, 2025
The book of Judges continues the story of Israel after the death of Joshua. Having been given land and a law to follow by God, the people of Israel quickly descend into corruption and failure to live out their calling....

Judges | Week 1 - Introduction

Mike Im
February 3, 2025
This introductory class helps us familiarize ourselves with the book of Judges as a whole and set up the semester as we study this narrative book.