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Rhythms of Work

Our culture often distorts work, limiting it to a means for money and inflating its importance to our identity, complicating our relationship with it. The Bible, however, views work as a treasure and a gift, emphasizing our dignity from being created in God’s image. This week’s sermon discusses ways in which we can transform our approach to work, seeing it not as a means to earn dignity but as an opportunity to reflect God’s image and contribute to His creation.
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Rhythms of Work

July 21, 2024
Our culture often distorts work, limiting it to a means for money and inflating its importance to our identity, complicating our relationship with it. The Bible, however, views work as a treasure and a gift, emphasizing our dignity from being...

Assessment - Getting to the Roots, Renounce and Pray (Steps 6 and 7)

Michael Snetzer
July 17, 2024

Assessment - Examining Fear, Grief and Loss - (Phase I and II)

Michael Snetzer
July 10, 2024
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Life In Christ

Jamin Roller
September 16, 2019
In the first week in our new series in the book of Colossians, we take a look at the history of the book and what it means to live a life in Christ where God has you. Scritpure: Colossians 1:1-8

The Will of God

Jamin Roller
September 22, 2019
This week we see Paul describe what we know God wants the life of a believer to look like. A life of meaning, knowing God and becoming who He wants you to be will require endurance and patience. Scripture: Colossians 1:9-14

A Beautiful Disruption

Jamin Roller
August 16, 2020
Key Text: Colossians 4:2-6Summary: Christians are to be a beautiful disruption to the chaos of the world. According to Colossians 4:5–6, that beautiful disruption is marked by followers of Jesus walking in wisdom in the way they act and speak.ResourcesScripture...

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Week 6: Created in Christ (Colossians 1)

Courtney Richter
March 19, 2024
The letter to the Colossians is unique among Paul’s letters, because Paul had not personally been to the church at Colossae. He begins this letter with standard thanksgiving and prayer for the church, exalting Christ as preeminent over creation, the new creation and the Church.

Week 7: Alive in Christ (Colossians 2)

Drew Fitzgerald
March 25, 2024
In chapter 2, Paul outlines the transformation of a Christian from spiritual death to spiritual life. He reminds the Colossians of their participation with Christ—they have been filled, circumcised, buried, raised, and made alive in Him.

Week 8: Put on Christ (Colossians 3)

Jonathan Dodson
April 1, 2024
As those who have been raised with Christ, Paul outlines what a Christian is to “put off” and “put on.” Colossians 3 begins with an exhortation to set their minds on things above, put to death what is earthly, and put on characteristics benefitting of a Christian, by living according to origins to their promised, future resurrected life.

Week 10: Grace & Peace (Philemon)

April 16, 2024
The letter to Philemon is a unique Pauline epistle, as he writes not to a church but to an individual. As Paul appeals to Philemon to forgive and receive back his runaway slave Onesimus, there’s a rich theme of grace and peace in his words. There’s also multiple references to family in this letter, highlighting the significance of spiritual family, as well as the call for unity within the family of God.
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Pursue With Grace

Jamin Roller
July 1, 2024
James ends the letter with wisdom on how to relate to those who wander from the truth. We faithfully respond to this passage by examining our own hearts and pursuing those who wander with grace.

A Whole Life

Jonathan Dodson
June 24, 2024
Life can often feel divided. Sickness unravels health, suffering disrupts peace, flesh pulls at spirit. How should we navigate these forces? James shows us how to be not just better people but whole people. Here is practical instruction for living...

Assessment - Examining Trauma and Coming to the Light (Step 5)

Michael Snetzer
June 24, 2024

Sincere Speech

Jamin Roller
June 17, 2024
The book of James has a lot to say about how we speak. In this sermon, we look at how James calls followers of Jesus to speak with integrity as people who keep their word. Scripture: James 5:12

Foundations - Justification, Adoption and Sanctification (Step 4)

John Allman
June 16, 2024


June 3, 2024
Living in between the first and second coming of Jesus requires patience. James calls us to grow in patience with life, with people, and with God. Scripture: James 5:7-11