Worship is about expressing and forming our love for the triune God.

God uses habits and practices, inside and outside the church, to shape our worship

God uses habits and practices, inside and outside the church, to shape our worship

We believe worship is ultimately about more than music. It is about expressing and forming our love for the Lord, both personally on our own and corporately when we gather. We cultivate our worship through a number of habits and practices, including preaching, studying, singing, fasting and praying.



We can’t love God if we don’t know God, and we learn about His character and story primarily in the Scriptures. When we gather together, we preach and receive the revealed Word of God and respond to who He is and what He has done in Jesus Christ.


Throughout time, the people of God have used music as a way to express our love for the Lord, and God has used it to shape His people to look more like Christ. That’s why we believe singing to and about the Lord should be an essential part of the Christian life.


Though fasting has been confused and neglected, it is one of the central practices of God’s people, both in the Old and New Testament. When we fast, we give up things, typically food, for the more important thing, Jesus Christ. It teaches our bodies to love the Lord above all else.


Our time in the Bible doesn’t just stop at weekend services, with a sermon from the pastor. On our own and throughout the week together, we study and meditate on the Scriptures, learning more about God and reminding ourselves daily of the gospel.


Our prayer lives are a reflection of our relationship with the Lord. Praying is the way we plead and affirm with God to keep His promises, trusting that He is good. It’s also a way to humble and surrender ourselves to God, confessing that He knows best.


One of the ways we worship God is through the giving of our tithes and offerings. Through giving we praise God for the blessings of having the financial resources to offer back to Him that which He has already given us. 


We believe in the central doctrines of the Christian faith, which are outlined in our Statement of Faith. The gospel, the story of God redeeming and reconciling the world back to Himself through the person and work of Jesus Christ, is at the center of everything we believe and do.

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We have a number of resources, including music and articles, that help orient our worship toward the Lord.

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