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Taryn Mays

Spiritual Formation Director

Contact Taryn

About Taryn

God graciously grew me in a Christian home with parents who modeled for me a love and trust in the God of the Bible that would be a guidepost for me for many years to come. He saved me at a young age so the majority of my life and thus, my sin was before me. 

In adolescence, God grew in me a deep, abiding love and trust in Him at His Word that would sustain me through dark and trying seasons. However, I believed it was best to hide my own brokenness and sin. I began to operate out of a deeply rooted desire to perform and achieve. The idol of self was beginning to take shape and take hold of me. I would become consumed with and in bondage to the management of my image which meant I was perpetually in hiding. And hiding and darkness was a breeding ground for my sin. I placed my identity in broken relationships that perpetuated sin and an unequivocal fear that if anyone actually knew me, they could not love me. Then, the Spirit revealed the precious truth of who I am—depraved and guilty—but who Christ makes me—deeply known and loved, fully forgiven and free.

Over time, God revealed a heart that loved His word and a desire to love, know and care for abused and hurting women with the hope of pointing them to the gospel. After working with sexually trafficked and exploited women in Dallas, I stepped onto our church staff to teach the Bible and care for men and women in our church. I received my B.S. in Leadership Studies from Texas A&M University and Masters of Liberal Arts - Human Rights and Social Justice from Southern Methodist University.

My husband, (sweet) Bobby Mays and I have been members of Citizens Church since 2011, and have a daughter, Collins.

My Hope for Citizens Church

My hope for Citizens Church is that we would humbly seek the advancement of the gospel, marked by an unwavering devotion to the Scriptures and a steadfast love and commitment toward one another, with hearts and eyes tethered to the hurting, abused, lost and broken among us in order to "fully proclaim the excellencies of him who called us out of darkness into his marvelous light" to the praise and glory of His Name forever.

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We hold to the central beliefs of the Christian faith, as communicated throughout Scripture and summed up in the ancient creeds of the Church.