Recovery/Steps, Recovery

Highlighted Recovery Teachings

Michael Snetzer

August 18, 2020

Below are some handpicked sermons that we have found helpful for many people who walk through our doors. We hope that you find them helpful for the season of life you are in. You can find teachings like these and more on our Recovery Sermon Archive page.

Marriage and Irreconcilable Differences

Listen to Teaching

Co-Dependency and Broken Cisterns

Listen to Teaching

Suffering, Grief and Loss

Listen to Teaching

Michael Snetzer

Recovery Pastor
My hope for Citizens Church is that we would bring glory to God through lives changed by the gospel for Jesus Christ. I pray this change would be demonstrated in how we love people throughout our city and around the world. I pray that we would be known as a place for gospel-centered hope and healing for the broken and broken-hearted.
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Other Recovery/Steps Teachings


Live Recovery Teaching

August 18, 2020
Recovery meets every Wednesday from 6:30 – 8:30 pm. The large group teaching time will be live-streamed for those that would like to attend online. You can watch it live on our Vimeo page. Access Live Teaching