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Women's Bible Class - Romans Part 2

Men's Bible Class - Romans Part 2

Women's Bible Class - Romans Part 1

This 10-week class walks through the first seven chapters of Romans. From the depths of man's sinfulness to the heights of God's grace, participants will learn about God's righteousness and the beauty of life in Christ.

Men's Bible Class - Romans Part 1

This 10-week class walks through the first seven chapters of Romans. From the depths of man's sinfulness to the heights of God's grace, participants will learn about God's righteousness and the beauty of life in Christ.

Men's Bible Class - Proverbs

The book of Proverbs falls in the category of wisdom literature, and introduces us to the themes, woven throughout scripture, of lady wisdom and lady folly. Ultimately, it invites us as Christians to wed ourselves to wisdom.

Women's Bible Class - Proverbs

The book of Proverbs falls in the category of wisdom literature, and introduces us to the themes, woven throughout scripture, of lady wisdom and lady folly. Ultimately, it invites us as Christians to wed ourselves to wisdom.

Women's Bible Class - 1&2 Thessalonians

This fall our Bible classes will be studying two of Paul's earliest letters - 1&2 Thessalonians. As we mine the words of Paul, we will see how God's grand story of redemption calls believers in Jesus Christ to live lives...

Men's Bible Class - 1&2 Thessalonians

This fall our Bible classes will be studying two of Paul's earliest letters - 1&2 Thessalonians. As we mine the words of Paul, we will see how God's grand story of redemption calls believers in Jesus Christ to live lives...

Women's Bible Class - Summer: Ruth

The book of Ruth is a story of God's promised plan of salvation unfolding through tumultuous circumstances and seemingly insignificant people. Ruth puts on display God's providence and mercy, and foreshadows the true King and Redeemer that is to come.

Women's Bible Class - Acts Part 2

In the Book of Acts, the authority of the King is proclaimed, the indwelling of the Spirit is secured and the Church of God is multiplied. Witness a crucial moment in the history of our faith as the gospel goes...

Men's Bible Class - Acts Part 2

In the Book of Acts, the authority of the King is proclaimed, the indwelling of the Spirit is secured and the Church of God is multiplied. Witness a crucial moment in the history of our faith as the gospel goes...

Women's Bible Class - Acts Part 1

In the Book of Acts, the authority of the King is proclaimed, the indwelling of the Spirit is secured and the Church of God is multiplied. Witness a crucial moment in the history of our faith as the gospel goes...